This is what the Rheingau tastes like!
Enjoyment with a view - at the restaurant "Am Niederwald" this is the program. While you enjoy the stunning and unique view of the glistening Rhine and the undulating sea of vines, our kitchen team will put their heart and soul into their work for you. We attach great importance to the selection and quality of our products, most of which we source from the region out of conviction.
In our restaurant with 90 seats, on our large panoramic terrace with 200 seats, we await you - in a good mood and always anxious to make your stay with us a pleasant and enjoyable experience for you.
Our modern and sustainably built restaurant is within walking distance between the Niederwald monument and the mountain station of the cable car. Comfortable arrival by bus, car or cable car. 135 car parking spaces and 10 coach parking spaces are available at low cost nearby.
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am-niederwald.com/opening hours
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Niederwald Gastronomie i.Bz. GmbH
Managing Director: Alexander Küntzler
"Am Niederwald" 4
65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein
T: +49 (0)6722 710337-0
F: +49 (0)6722 710337-1
M: info[at]am-niederwald.de

Our company is a member of the German
Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA)
The German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) is the industry association of hoteliers and restaurateurs in Germany. The DEHOGA is backed by a strong piece of medium-sized business in the hotel and restaurant industry: over one million employees and almost 90,000 trainees in more than 230,000 companies generate an annual net turnover of almost 60 billion euros.