Change of ownership
Peter Häfner hands over Top Location to Karolina and Alexander Küntzler

Culinary wine tasting with the Diefenhardt Winery
After the joint aperitif, a high-quality 4-course menu with corresponding wines from Weingut Diefenhardt awaits you. Julia Seyffardt and Peter Häfner will host the wine tasting. Register now with binding effect.

Culinary wine tasting with the Friesenhahn Winery
After the joint aperitif, a high-quality 4-course menu with corresponding wines from Weingut Friesenhahn awaits you. Dirk Friesenhahn and Peter Häfner will moderate the wine tasting. Register now with binding effect.

Happy New Year
We wish everyone a great start to a happy, healthy and successful New Year 2022! Don't have anything planned for today? From 12-6pm we welcome you to our annual New Year's hangover breakfast "Am Niederwald"!